Our church is blessed to own a building. Even before we arrived, plans were in the works to make it more functional. With a growing number of teens, we’ve had to add Sunday School classes but finding room within the current configuration was a challenge. Final plans were accepted by the congregation in March. Our own folks began the work with several intense days of demolishing and trips to the dump which saved us at least 1000.00€. Contractors are now continuing the work. We are excited about the results. Two medium sized classrooms are beginning to stake shape along with a larger multifunctional room and a hallway. More adequate insulation is being installed, more efficient lighting is going in next week; and we get new windows in the Fall! Finishing work must wait until September, when our folks return from vacations. Please pray for wisdom as we work through this one step at a time. Pray especially for Alexis as he heads up the project.
Tag Archives: Renovation Projects
Thank you for praying for Summer Mission Teams!
As you may know, we decided not to host summer mission teams this year in order to concentrate on Brandon Miller’s internship. In our 26 years on the field we have rarely had a summer without hosting at least one team. We have often asked prayer for summer teams since we consider them to be a vital part of our overall ministry as missionaries. Recently, the Lord greatly encouraged us in this aspect of the work.
First of all, during a service at one of our supporting churches in April, the pastor encouraged testimony from several who had participated in our summer ministries. Through their testimony, God allowed us to hear concrete evidence of His working through teams over the last eight years! Secondly, the youth pastor of a church that brought a team last summer e-mailed yesterday to share of God’s special working in the heart of one of the young men who came. “The trip had such an impact on him he requested that I help him set up a missions trip for him individually to help him determine the role of missions in his life. He leaves tomorrow for a week and a half in Madrid, Spain.”
Thank you for praying for Brandon, our summer intern, and thank you for praying for summer mission teams!
Work Projects 2011
Here’s a video walk through of work projects for this summer. We would appreciate your prayers for the first team from Oak Ridge Baptist in Tennessee which will arrive June 27th.
Project 2011 Eglise Baptiste d’Orsainville from Michael Webster on Vimeo.
Pictures of Renovated Auditorium and Dedication Service
Renovation Project 2010 Finally Done!
Yes, by about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 4th, Renovation Project 2010 was finally done! This was just in time for the official reopening of our auditorium on Sunday, the 5th. It was a wonderful time with around 75 in attendance including several who do not know the Lord. Please pray for one young woman in particular with whom we have had contact since May. Pray that the contact will continue to develop. Here is a video of the last few weeks culminating in the service on Sunday.
Eglise Baptiste d’Orsainville Projet 2010 (2) from Michael Webster on Vimeo.