All four of our children are musicians. Not so much for either of us. Yet, we had the joy of encouraging musical development in our churches in Québec and have long considered this an important part of our ministry. You can imagine how thankful we were when Melanie was invited to join the board of a musical ministry founded by fellow missionary Kristi Colas. Ecclémusica exists to help biblical Gospel-preaching churches in fulfilling their mission of corporate worship and evangelism. They help by providing music workshops, camps, pertinent theological training, multi-church concerts and a music library of scores in French. They have also done recordings of Bible stories in French for the evangelism of Europe, Africa, and beyond.
It was a joy to participate in this year’s multi-generational music camp held in the Alps. The theme was Passing the Torch or how to help parents encourage their children in the area of musical ministry in the local church. Two families from our church attended and one of our own men, Stéphane, brought the evening Bible studies. One tangible result is that two of our young people will participate for the first time in an instrumental quartet for the Christmas program this year.