Update on Catherine

Catherine had no seizures during her last stay at the Montreal Neurological Institute. However, we were very encouraged by what we learned. First, it sometimes takes several visits before they find anything; second, even with a full seizure captured on video camera, the EEG recording can be normal. This happens when the seizure activity starts deep within the brain—EEGs catch only surface waves. Third, a change in medicine, again, is also normal. Fourth, the head nurse assured us that we were in good hands as the Neurologists on Catherine’s case will not give up until they have conclusive evidence as to what is going on. Fifth, there are more tests that can be run, but because of their nature, they are reserved for the hard to crack cases.

So, for now, we try the new medicine, continue to journal Catherine’s episodes and go about life as normally as possible. We have a reevaluation of the situation in January.  Thank you for your continued prayers for our family through this important episode of our lives.