Catherine’s battle with Epilepsy over the last four years has made viable employment a difficult thing for her. One way she has sought to fill the gap was by offering beginner piano lessons to young people. When our 97-year-old upright became more and more impossible to tune, she approached me about shopping for a good used one. My prompt response was “we just can’t afford it” and I must admit that I sort of put the whole idea out of my mind. But Catherine started praying. Then, about a month later on a Saturday morning as she and Melanie were headed out the door, she said “I’ve saved a small amount and we have a couple of possibilities, pray for us as we go.” As it turned out, one of the leads was an older couple who happened to be believers, a rare thing in Québec. They had been touched by Catherine’s use of Philippians 4:13 in email correspondence. They offered the piano to her for much less than the small amount that she had saved saying “we know you will use it for the Lord”. Catherine has a new piano! God can meet our every need! Yes, He can!