Cath, Michael and I saw Dr. Frederick Andermann on Monday. He knows his stuff. He sent us to his wife who specializes in genetics and epilepsy because he said it is evident that there is a familial link. His wife wants to do DNA testing on all of us. So, Cath and I had blood work on Tuesday, and a long talk with Dr. Eva Andermann. Today, I had a sleep deprived EEG (i.e. you sleep very little the night before, so that at the hospital they can hook you up to the machine and then you sleep and they can see what goes on during your sleep.) Catherine has one on Friday. We also have put in requests for MRIs for me and Cath. Don’t know when those will happen. The secretary said it could take up to 6 months before we hear from the MRI department. Also on Friday, Cath and I will be meeting with Dr. Eva again. Will let you know more then. Thank you for your prayers!
Other piece of news, Dr. Frederick A. is going to send his conclusions to Dr. John McBurnney the neurologist from SC. Maybe all of this will help Val as well.